Tonight Channel 10 aired a Big Brother special ‘The Party’s Over’ because there is no eviction after the first week of Big Brother. The show opened with Gretel introducing and telling viewers that tomorrow night is nominations so they will explaining the new nomination process and talking to a few ‘experts’ about the housemates.
Those experts are Jess, Marty and Carmell Hill. The show starts off with audition footage of each othe housemates. First off is Daniel. We see parts of his audition tape and footage of him in the house, including a part with him saying “lets get emotionally naked” and when he showed Chrissie his third nipple. Next is Chrissie’s audition tape: “Once a complete stranger told me I reminded them of Rosie O’Donnell”. Followed by Leah, then Ben, then Jo, Patrick, Regina (in that order).
Back to Gretel and the bunch in what looks like a storage warehouse! Some Big Brother banners are in the background. Jess is the most nominated person in the Big Brother series so far so of course she’s an expert at it. Marty says “it doesn’t really matter” who gets nominated. He had to be reminded of who is in the round house, but can’t pick out any clear nominee from that house. He says Carlo doesn’t stand a very good chance come Monday night. Carmell butts in saying something.. I forgot already. Gretel ends the segment with one of her trade-mark metaphores, by saying Saxon is the “last peice of the square puzzle, but does he fit into place?”.
Footage of Irena talking about how there only used to be one wog girl on Neighbours. We then learn that Irena didn’t welcome Saxon into the house very much. The experts then do some more behaviour analysis which concequently involves screening more footage. Belinda’s audition tape, then Carlo and his ‘mother’, Claire, Irena, Jaime and Vincent. Carmell says at this point in time the housemates are just trying to get each other to like them. Some more footage involving Daniel and Irena.
The round house is talking about the pool next door (even though there is no pool). They say they can hear and smell a pool. Next guest on the show is the supervisor producer of the daily show. He tells everyone about how they condense 48 hours of footage into a 25 minute show, selecting mainly scenes that reveal personality and plotline. He also makes a plea to Australia to not vote out the loudest and most excitable person (eg. Carlo!).
Next segment is on the seven deadly sins parties happening in both houses. Regina doesn’t know what lust is and needs it explained to her. Meanwhile in the other house Belinda doesn’t know what gluttony is. Later, Saxon tells Belinda that he’s annoyed by Vincent (doesn’t name him but gives it away obviously).
In the round house Daniel doesn’t know if he should feel bad or not for not cooking. The other housemates say they would like a go but Ben keeps dominating the BBQ. Chrissie figures it out straight away: he’s been here the longest so it’s his place.
Irena talking about how it sucks to be nominating after trying to get along with everyone so well. Belinda is beyond that and is wondering what she’ll wear to her eviction. We then take a look back at Jess’s troubles nominating on Big Brother 2. Big Brother was getting really pissed off because Jess couldn’t think of any reason to nominate.
Then Peter Abbott (the show’s executive producer) is brought into the studio. He talks about nominations but doesn’t really reveal what will happen. He says that even if the housemates figure it out he has multiple nomination schemes planned to trick them. Footage is then shown of the housemates picking balls with numbers on them. I wouldn’t be surprised if this has nothing to do with nominations at all and was designed to confuse the housemates. Of course Carlo gets the ball with ’69’ on it.
Fart talk. Carlo says “the fart joke will ever die”. Claire explains that there are 2 types of fart: sulphur and methane.
Update on ‘relationships’ in the house: footage shows that Jo and Patrick are getting rather cosy with each other. Jo is delighted to hear that Patrick is straight and single. Jo massages Patrick’s head and he gives her a piggy back to the bedroom. Also shown is Belinda and Vincent (not so saucy). Ben snoring. Vincent gets in a tantrum about Carlo peeing in the garden.
Round house mates singing badly. Gretel then asks the experts for their opinions. Jess and Marty think that perhaps Jo and Ben will be nominated in the round house and Carlo and Vincent in the square house. Carmell says that Jo will not be getting nominated.