The season hasn’t even started yet but it feels like we’ve already pretty much given up on it and consigned it to the rubbish heap – so for my first blog of BB07 I thought I’d concentrate on the positives.
Then I realised there actually wasn’t any!
Well, except for this place I suppose – Behind Big Brother is probably the best of the best wnen it comes to Big Brother fan sites – but that’s probably because we judge the show for what it really is rather than having an undying loyalty to Gretel and co.
But as for the show itself – well, there must be a serious problem if I can’t think of a single positive to take away from it.
My expectations couldn’t be any lower this year – especially having seen the same tired old promo campaign wheeled out for about the fourth year running.
Even if BB07 gets off to a great start, based on the last few years I wouldn’t expect it to last past the first month before we settle into the same predictable routine.
And if that’s the case – well, it might be best all round it gets off to a bad start so we can see from the beginning what we really should be expecting – promises or no promises.
Brekkie Boy.
P.S. If anyone can comes up with any positives, please join the discussion on the forum