I’m talking about flashing of course!
Break flashing to be exact.
On the day it was confirmed Big Brother UK would return for it’s eighth summer series on Wednesday 30th May, Channel 4 launched this years promo campaign.
No empty promises… no meaningless slogan… and definitely no staged press conferences…
Just a split-second glimpse of the Big Brother 8 logo, appearing randomly during the odd-commercial break throughout the evening.
It works though – BBUK forums were buzzing with excitement the second the logo appeared, though the race to get the video online first was won by Being Big Brother, the official UK partner of Behind Big Brother. I’ll be pointing you in that direction a number of times over the next three months.
The full promo campaign will be slowly unveiled over the next week or so with the housemates already in lockdown, but we can expect a 10-day countdown from Sunday and our first glimpse at the new house from next week – while it’s likely that as usual, there will be another strand to the promotion campaign – but what form that takes varies from year to year – so we’ll just have to wait and see.
More news soon, but meanwhile keep up to date with all the pre-season developments in the International Forum.
And finally, a quick word about Big Brother Australia…
UPDATE: The next stage of the promo campaign has begun with the “countdown” ads, with our UK sister-site Being Big Brother setting up a YouTube account with all the promos so far.