7:44am: Nobbi and the house have been woken by another SMS alert. The housemates get outside quickly and get to work cleaning up the yard saying that it’s a lot better this time because there is no confetti. Just as they are saying this, confetti starts raining down from above. Brigitte thinks that there is something wrong with Big Brother.
Big Brother calls Rebecca and Dixie to the diary room. Big Brother reminds the housemates that they both asked to leave the house yesterday and Big Brother asked them to sleep on it. Dixie says she still wants to go home, but Rebecca says she feels ok and would like to stay and ‘soldier’ on and be evicted via the normal process. Big Brother asks Dixie again whether she wants to leave, and she changes her mind and decides to stay as well.
4:59pm: Travis and Nobbi are talking in the backyard. Nobbi wants to know who his three best mates in the house are. Travis says Nobbi, Renee and Bianca. Nobbi wonders if anyone else has asked him this question, and then tells Travis that Ben asked him. Nobbi says that Travis isn’t being authentic in the house. Travis thinks that Ben wouldn’t lie, so perhaps he did say that.
The girls are getting dressed up in the bathroom. Nobbi says that Travis is a nice guy, but he is saying what people want to hear rather than the truth, and he warns Travis because people will soon catch on and wake up.
5:59pm: Travis wants to have a chat with Bianca after the girls have a pageant. She wants to know now but Travis just says that someone was a bit mean to him and they’ll talk later. Bianca goes outside and asks Nobbi if he knows what’s going on with Travis. Nobbi is amused that Travis is a bit upset about their chat earlier, and Nobbi tells Bianca that he simply told him to be a bit more careful about what he says in the house.
7:21pm: Alice welcomes the world to the Big Brother pageant. Dave strolls out onto the catwalk first. The girls are all happy and laughing as Rory introduces himself after walking down the runway. Ben walks down the catwalk and introduces himself as Corey the party boy. Nobbi is next, followed by Travis who dances really badly, but gets the ladies laughing at least. Nathan comes out next in a shirt and tie, then takes the tie off saying ‘he knows how to have a good time!’
Round two of the pageant, it’s street wear this time. Dave is out first again, followed by Corey who tells the girls his ideal date ‘would be in Bali laying on a beach
Ben comes out as a nerd and says his ideal date would be taking a girl to a internet café, Saxon would like a ride on a Harley while Travis wants a candlelit horse ride through a park. All the girls have been giving votes for each person out of 5, but Terri has only been giving up to 3 votes. They tell her to continue doing what she is doing so it’s fair.
David comes out for the swimwear section and sprays some water onto the lawn for no good reason; Ben comes out and break dances really badly on purpose, Nobbi comes out in jocks and climbs onto the cow, Corey looks shy as he comes out, before Nathan gives Bianca a nice massage. Rory, last, comes out in a g-string. Big Brother gets the last laugh saying, “Rory, it’s obviously very chilly tonight.” After the votes are cast, Dave gets 3rd place, Ben gets 2nd, while Nathan wins the award.
12:13am: Rory and Renee are in bed and Rory is gently touching her back. Travis asks Ben when he asked about Travis’s top 3 friends, and Ben tells him that it was early on. Travis decides to go and chat with Nobbi again. Nobbi says he’ll talk to Travis tomorrow and for him not to worry. Travis tells Nobbi that it was back on Day 3 that he told Ben he liked him the most in the house. Meanwhile, Rory snuggles up to Renee in bed.