11:05am: Brigitte breaks the glasses she wore yesterday for her individual task. Terri comes to the diary room. She says that things have settled down after the task yesterday, suggesting that everyone has let ‘sleeping dogs lie.’
Outside Alice and Dixie are mending fences as well. Alice says she meant what she said yesterday but she would still like to apologise. Dixie says that she didn’t think Alice had had a go at her.
Brigitte and Travis are practicing the dance with no enthusiasm whatsoever. Rory tries to crack a joke at them, but Brigitte still doesn’t want to talk to him. Travis says he hasn’t got the dance perfect yet and they still need to get it perfect. Travis says that the rest of the group we’re bagging him out last night too because he was standing up for Brigitte, saying that you just have to get on with things and not dwell on them because you become a really negative person.
Rory and Bianca are lying on the bed. Bianca says she is upset and she wants her dad. She has a little cry into her pillow. Rory gets up and walks away.
12:26pm: Dixie gets Nathan to carry some washing, and Dixie sits down at the table. Nathan rings out some washing at the outside sink. Brigitte is applying makeup in the bathroom. Rory wonders where she is, and tells Renee that Brigitte has said she won’t talk to her anymore. Renee says that she has said only what everyone else has.
Inside, Dixie says she has said some things to Brigitte she isn’t proud of, and Brigitte says she was nasty to Dixie as well and they laugh over Brigitte using Dixie’s mascara. Renee comes into the room and talks to Dixie but she thinks Brigitte is asleep so leaves them alone. Dixie tells her to go and get up and say hi to her. Renee says that she isn’t going to apologise, but she is happy to talk to her at any time. Renee tells Alice that in the outside world she would just forget it, but she can’t inside this house. Dixie tells Brigitte that it her chance to show that she is more mature than she makes out in the house by getting up and talking to housemates she says she plans to ignore.
2:13pm: Nathan and Dixie are called to the diary room. Big Brother tells Dixie that no housemate can assist you in Dixie’s laundry duties. Because Nathan helped Dixie out with today’s washing, Dixie must strip the pillowcases of the bed and Nathan must stand alongside and provide vocal support. Nathan keeps saying “You can do it Dicks”, “C’mon Dicks” and Dixie hates it already.
Alice tells Terri in the bathroom that she seems to be fitting in much better. Terri says that no one is really pushing her buttons anymore. Outside as Dixie washes the pillowcases, Nobbi and Nathan sing and dance around her to encourage her.
David, in the kombi with Nobbi and Rory, wonder about Ben and Travis’s friendship. They wonder if it’s some kind of an alliance they are trying to form. They say that Ben is stressed after getting nominated.
The girls sing “Happy Birthday Mr President” in the kitchen and it provides a moment of laughter between Brigitte and Renee.
8:48pm: Dixie is applying makeup to Terri. Dixie says she stuck up for Brigitte last night because she felt sorry for her. She tells Bianca she didn’t want to see anyone crying. Brigitte is also involved in the conversation. Bianca says she was staring at Nobbi earlier today and she was marveling at his muscles. Brigitte says she would rather vomit on herself than get together with Nobbi.
The boys in the backyard marvel at how shiny Nathan’s head is. Rory and Ben say if they had to choose between Renee and Brigitte, Renee would win all the time. They both say they couldn’t date her though.
Rory gives Bianca a massage outside. Dixie wants to be friends on the outside world with Brigitte. She says she expects an invitation to her 21st.