7:55pm: Ryan enters the house to the delight of the guys, and girls (watching from the Parlour room). The girls shout out that he is the millionaire (he is wearing a suit jacket). He meets the three existing housemates and also meets George, who has been in the house for no more than 15 minutes. The girls come out from the Parlour room and take him on a tour of the house. They find Ryan a bed.
Michael is in the diary room saying that Stacey is not being subtle about her affection for Ryan in these early stages. Stacey shows Ryan that they do a morning Yoga course out on the grass. Ryan tells Stacey that Michael is a smartass about his job (Ryan is a model). Michael back in the diary room says that Ryan sounds right up Layla’s alley – 7/1 but if alcohol is in the mix but the odds down to 5/1.
Estelle takes her hair out of the rollers and Angie comments that her hair looks gorgeous. Back in the bedroom Josh is giving Bradley tips on how to check out chicks on the sly – they practice on Angie. While that happens Sarah says she just took her underwear off and they didn’t even notice. Michael laughs saying they are rookies and he was all over it!
Ryan and George come into the diary room to talk to Big Brother. They say that they are enjoying the house – they say they are the new kids at school so a bit of a novelty. Ryan says the girls are arguing about where he is sleeping.
10:11pm: In the kitchen, Bradley asks if others think Estelle looks like a rapper. She has a hat on backwards so Josh suggests that she does. On the way back outside to join the rest of the group Bradley and Estelle skip along together. Angie says she needs to go to the bathroom and talks Estelle along with her. The comment that Bradley is the cutest but Angie says to be careful as she feels that he might be thinking that there might be something more than friends. Estelle says there is nothing more than friends and she hopes that that’s the case on his side as well. Meanwhile, back outside Sarah introduces the two new housemates to their ‘pet birds’ (fake birds perched on an antenna) – Ryan admits that he hates birds and Sarah believes that she has just solved one of the housemate’s secrets.
Female housemates are called the Parlour – the girls discuss Ryan revealing that he hates birds. Meanwhile Bradley is waiting near the entrance to the backyard in the hope that another housemate might be about to enter. Back with the girls they debate whether George could be a millionaire as a sparky – they think he has dated a lot of women. Outside the boys say Angie and Sarah are hot, but say that Sarah does have a boyfriend. The girls debate Ryan and wonder if he has the phobia of birds or whether he has a high IQ. Layla comments that she thinks Ryan is a ‘proper English lad’, while Zoe says that she hopes George has dated 100 women because she would like to be the 101st.
10:43pm: Ray enters the house saying ‘Sorry I’m late’. The girls all yell at the TV saying “millionaire” – they also mention that’s he very cocky. He tells the boys that he’s a vet – they show him the fish in the house and tries to figure out what type they are. Ryan asks how many years Ray had to study for to become a vet, he says six and then asks how many years Ryan had to study to become a model. They both laugh. In the kitchen Ray discovers that there is no chocolate milk and slams the door shut – the girls see this and disapprove. The female housemates come out and meet Ray – Stacey wonders if he is like a sting-ray! Ray is still after some chocolate milk and decides to go and ask Big Brother for some. He says he just checked the fridge and there is no chocolate milk – however Big Brother tells him to stop referring to him as “mate”. Ray says ‘cya mate’ before correcting himself and calling him Big Brother. He swears about Big Brother as soon as he comes out of the diary room saying he isn’t very nice.
11:18pm: Ray is called back to the diary room for again being rude to Big Brother. He is sent to the naughty corner and told to write lines on the blackboard – the other housemates watch on and laugh. Michael is watching on without his microphone and Big Brother tells him off for that also. He instructs Michael to give Big Brother 50 push ups – the other housemates are all laughing and help him count to 50. In the naughty corner, Ryan gets sick of writing lines and tries to bluff Big Brother by writing exactly what he said including the words ’50 times’ instead of writing it out fifty different times – the housemates think he will get in even more trouble but the female housemates convince him to keep writing while the male housemates egg him on to keep up the fight. Over in the kitchen Stacey and Michael believe that Ray has walked in with something to prove. Big Brother sees that Ray has finished and lets him leave the naughty corner. Back in the kitchen Angie and Layla are also bitching about Ray saying that he is going to get into so much trouble.
12:32am: The final housemate enters the compound, Ben. Again, he meets the boys while the girls watch on, guessing that he is gay. Ben admits that he is the oldest at 33. Ben calls Michael a bogan because of his hair. He handles it quite well as Bradley laughs his head off. The girls are let out and meet Ben. Charne and Ben instantly click. Stacey is also surrounding herself with Ben – who mentions that his boyfriend will be terrified that the beds are all double beds.
Outside, Sarah laughs when Michael tells her that Ben called him a bogan. Ben tells Charne that he can be a bit bitchy when nervous, which he was when he first entered the house. Charne tells him that Michael didn’t like being called a bogan and is very upset. Charne tells Ben that it’s very hard to get your point across in this house with so many dominant people. Back outside some of the original gang are talking about how nice George is and how he has instantly fitted in. They say they have to be a bit different around Ryan and Ray. Michael makes his way inside but Ben decides to use this opportunity to kiss and make up. Michael accepts the apology.
2:03am: Big Brother calls Ben and George to the diary room to collect their luggage. Ben says he has felt welcomed so far – he says that people will get on his nerves down the track so that will be the interesting part. George says it’s interesting coming in after everyone else has already bonded.
Later in the bedroom, Bradley asks Ben about him turning gay. Ben says that he was always gay, but he took a long while to realise it, only going through puberty at the age of 18. Michael comes to the diary room and tells Big Brother that he is watching Ray – he says that there is something wrong with him – perhaps he is lying about something. Michael thinks he isn’t a vet. Back in the bedroom Ray explains to Layla he bought in 2 dog photos and one of his mums. Ben comes over and asks the girls to kiss Bradley for the first time but they tell him they are waiting for his birthday at the weekend. Housemates settle down to sleep as Michael spins Ryan round 10 times to try to see if he can walk – he falls straight down!