Meet the housemates

Clever sleuthing reveals some housemates

Earlier this week, after the housemates were placed in lockdown, Channel Nine began airing teaser adverts ‘revealing’ six potential housemates. It quickly became apparent that many of them would definitely actual housemates – some were confirmed as actors by their friends on our forums, and others didn’t fit the information already announced by the official Big Brother website (such as no housemate older than their mid-30s).

As part of the promotion there were several state-specific adverts aired, as well as generic adverts which aired in most states. On viewing most of the adverts, it has become clear that many contain the same five actors/decoys, with one genuine housemate in each. Here are screengrabs from the adverts:

Western Australia (YouTube)

South Australia

This appears to be Josh Moore, who has already been rumoured to be a housemate. Josh works for Nova in SA.

Queensland (YouTube)

It has been confirmed that this person went in to lockdown last Saturday. He’s 26, from Gympie, and broke up with his long-term girlfriend to be in the house. He works as a Junior Copywriter for a Brisbane ad agency.

Thanks to buck07, Ken and marquisite on our forums

Also on Behind Big Brother

Promo shots from the new house

A house far from previous seasons

Woah. Promo photos from the Big Brother house in newspapers today show a house that is very, very different in design from the typical BB Australia house of seasons long ago. Welcome to a house based on the past, present and future.

We’ll let the photos speak for themselves, but the kitchen is past, backyard area is present, and the bathroom, bedroom + bathroom + living room is future.

What do you think of the photos? Discuss in our uncensored, unofficial discussion forums!

The kitchen area:
Kitchen area

The Kitchen Area 2


BB Bathroom

BB Bathroom

Sonia poses outside:

In this first photo, we suspect that whatever is behind the white rectangular ‘arch’ has been photoshopped out. It’s likely this will be the entryway to the main house.

Outdoor area blanked

Sonia outside

Outdoor area

BB Sonia spa

BB backyard no Sonia

The bedroom:
The Bedroom

The house with fake ‘test’ housemates:
House with fake housemates

Also on Behind Big Brother

Pre-launch news wrap up

Quick facts before the show gets underway

Big Brother 2012 eye

Big Brother 2012 eyeBig Brother launches this weekend! Here’s a wrap up of recent bits-and-pieces you need to know before the premiere:

  • Housemates will enter over three nights throughout the first week, so we won’t meet all of them within the short 90 minute launch episode.
  • Promos ‘revealing’ potential housemates have been screening on Channel Nine, however we’ve learnt most of the people shown are paid actors or models. There’s a good chance all of the people in the ads have been paid to be there.
  • And speaking of housemates, the rumour that rugby player Greg Bird would be entering the house has been debunked. Although making it through to the second round of auditions, he’s back on the field next week.
  • Some broken promises: The “nightly adult show” that Peter Wiltshire from Channel Nine said would screen on GO! channel is not happening (at least not in the first two weeks of the season).
  • There will be no Friday Night Live.
  • Holden has signed on as a major sponsor which means it’s quite likely the winner (and possibly the finalists) will receive a new car as well as prize money. Check out our comprehensive and revealing twitter interview with their public relations department :-)

Also on Behind Big Brother

Here’s how voting will work

Don't be friends with the nominee

Facebook voting

Facebook votingOur sources have revealed that in addition to the regular 1900 phone and text lines, this year the public can vote to save housemates via Facebook.

We’ve already seen Facebook voting was in the making, but here’s some extra info:

  • You can only vote to save via Facebook once per 24 hour period (then hop on the text lines and start giving them your money!).
  • If you are friends with a housemate on Facebook you will be barred from voting to save them via the Facebook app. So if you’re thinking of starting up a save campaign – defriend your buddy right now!
  • Voting will close at 4pm on eviction day so auditors can verify the votes.

And here’s the juiciest part of the news: if a housemate who forms part of a couple is evicted, they must stay in ‘lockdown’ until the other partner is evicted.

Big Brother UK introduced paid Facebook voting in 2011 but last week had to permanently abandon it because the system couldn’t handle the traffic and flopped. UK Channel 5 announced Facebook voting would not return.

Also on Behind Big Brother

What are their secrets?

Gay housemates, family members and relationships likely

Sonia's duck face

Sonia's duck faceWe’re worried Sonia Kruger may develop a permanent duck face with all this SSHHHH’ing she’s doing for the “every housemate has a secret” promo, so it’s our duty to get to the bottom of what these secrets are before she’s permanently disfigured.

Contrary to earlier predictions the show will be based on the French ‘Secret Story’ (housemates try to keep their secrets for the duration of the season), the first week of episode scheduling reveals that housemates will likely know the premise as soon as they go in to the house, and most if not all secrets will be revealed by Wednesday 15 August.

But what are the secrets? Here’s a breakdown of the most likely scenarios:

  • The gay housemate who appears straight – now a casting staple in the reality TV world, Big Brother Australia first touched on this concept in 2006 with David the gay farmer. We’ve heard whispers that Channel Nine specifically requested a gay male housemate be cast to soften the ‘blow’ in premiering their new drama House Husbands, which includes two gay dads raising a child.
  • Family members – highly likely that two housemates will be related, and possibly not even aware of it. Overseas versions of Big Brother have included long-lost half siblings who didn’t know each other until the secret was revealed. In one season of US Big Brother the entire house consisted only of secret couples. While we don’t give the Australian show producers that much credit, accounts from auditions show they were actively trying to get family connections. Behind Big Brother user kxk writes:

    I entered my 18 year old nephew [into auditions], he refused to do it. But anyway, he hadn’t signed the application or anything. Day before auditions [the producers] rang him and asked him to come.

    So what’s interesting about him that I put on the form? He has never met his father – drug addict/deported to the UK; he has 2 half brothers he’s never met, one is in Australia. They asked him about this on the phone.

  • Asylum seekers – on the fringe of conventional TV secrets, some have predicted one housemate will have come to Australia as a refugee (and would have been legally accepted, of course). Attitudes towards asylum seekers and “boat people” were key questions during the audition process. This could indeed play a role in creating discussion and conflict if one housemate is against asylum immigration, while another is revealed as a real refugee.
  • An unconventional job – an easy one for a PG timeslot, one housemate could be coy about how they really earn their income. Although considering this season is meant to be “family friendly”, we’re not so sure they would go to the extreme of casting sex workers.
  • Fake couples – an idea used in the French ‘Secret Story’, relative strangers pretend they are in a relationship as their key secret.

What ideas do you think will be used as housemate secrets? Leave a comment below or discuss Big Brother in our unofficial, uncensored forums!

Also on Behind Big Brother

No live internet feeds

Producers scrap "Big Brother purity", think a twitter account is a substitute

On the same day that Big Brother Executive producer Alex Mavroidakis said in an interview “I really want to go back to the purity of the format”, the official BB Twitter account has quietly let slip that there will be no internet feeds – a key component of the Big Brother franchise.

The past eight seasons of Big Brother Australia have included feeds, going back to 2001 when broadband internet was still unavailable to most people. In the USA version, now in its 14th season, viewers are able to purchase a live feed package with four streams, split screen and a rewind function.

Instead Australian producers have once again followed their counterparts in the UK, who ditched the feed earlier this year. That move copped them a mountain of complaints from fans. Going on the defence, BBAU says the twitter account @BBAULIVE will be an appropriate substitute for watching the housemates via camera.

Here’s an example of how the live update twitter account works in the UK. A good substitute? You decide.

The move has left fans feeling producers and Channel Nine are scared of their own show, and don’t want to deal with another turkey-slapping incident – which originally came to light via internet feeds. Fans argue the core element of the show – the live connection – has been traded in for prepackaged and selectively edited footage.

Here’s the original twitter post and some of the fall out. What do you think about no live feeds? Leave a comment below or join the discussion in our forums.

With info from BBspy.

Also on Behind Big Brother